

Monday, April 28, 2008

Evan and Lauren's Cool New Blog

The Aliberti Family decided to have one spot to share information with Friends and Family and here it is.

Evan is taking swimming classes at the Y and is a very active little guy. He is looking forward to starting Pre-School in the Fall and also starting Soccer.

Lauren had a wonderful first birthday recently and is very close to walking. She can say a bunch of words including Mama, Dada, Mommy, Daddy, Nana, and I poop. She loves to clap and play peek-a-boo. She is a very happy baby and is smiling all the time. She is following in her big brother's footsteps and taking Gymboree Gym classes too.

Check out our Photo Album links along the right side.

There is much more to come, many places we have visited. Keep visiting our site for more fun adventures of the Aliberti's.
Lauren and Evan

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