

Thursday, December 11, 2008

12/11: Formal and PJ Photos

As I mentioned before I didn't want to ruin the surprise of our Christmas card by posting our formal photos but now the cards are sent so I can post it.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Cute formal picture of the two of them
Fun PJ shots - I love this one
This one is also a favorite of mine as it really shows their personalities. Goofy/playful Evan and little Miss Thing Lauren as I call her with her attitude.
Lauren being silly
Evan with his buddy Santa. He just informed me tonight that he wants to get Santa a gift because he gives out so many gifts and doesn't get any. He said he wants to get him a Santa blanket that he can color for him. Isn't that the cutest?
Super cute, didn't buy this one (hence the symbol imprinted on it)

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