

Friday, January 23, 2009

1/23/09: Random thoughts

Well it has been 6 days without a post so I feel compelled to write something. So I will write random thoughts and things I have been up to.

1st off I always wonder if anyone is reading. Hopefully you are. I love comments, so if you are reading just drop me a quick comment to know you are out there.

As you may know I have made some cakes for Ev and Lauren's birthdays after taking the Wilton Course 1. Well I found a website called Cake Central that I have started posting my cakes to. They even have a contest on there that I entered Lauren's Princess cake into. It is a Fairy Tale cake contest. Voting starts January 28th so vote if you can. Right now I posed Evan's Mickey cake and Lauren's Princess cake there. It is fun getting comments from others on my cakes and seeing all the cool things people do. I also enjoy watching Ace of Cakes on the Food Network. Amazing what they create.

We have attended many music times along with our regularly scheduled classes. In fact our pictures are featured on the Tewksbury Library Website: We are in picture 2 at a Mother Goose on the Loose program, and Evan (Red pjs) is in pictures 9 and 11 at a Pajama Music Time.

I have also been planning for Evan and Lauren's birthdays. Yes Lauren's isn't until April 13th and Evan's isn't until May 26th but I am a planner. I spend a lot of time planning their parties. I already have some good ideas for cupcakes and have the pans for their cakes and the party supplies and favors for the kids. In another life I must have been an event planner because I love to do it.

I am hoping to get out with some friends soon without the kids. I tend to not spend too much time away from the kids, I already feel bad enough leaving them the 3 days I am at work, but I know I need to focus more on me. I have not been very good at having balance, the kids always look great and I have my hair in a pony tail and look like I have been through the ringer. I am well aware of this and trying to fix it, but it is so hard! Other Mom's I am sure you feel the same and your comments will make me feel better. Right now my playgroup Moms are trying to plan a night out, and I am planning a night out with some friends I used to work out with and another night out with a bunch of my other friends from college, hometown, work, etc. It usually takes a while to plan these things for everyone to make it so we will see how long it takes.

As for vacation, we are going to Disney in May and I am super excited for that! I loooove it there. I am a total Disney/Mickey freak. This will be my 9th time. When I was in High School I even got to march down Main Street when I was in the Majorettes twice. So cool! I think we are going to have a blast and already can't wait for our breakfast at the Castle and our dinner with Mickey. I have already gotten the kids tons of Disney shirts and a Cinderella dress for Lauren. Here is a flashback pic of us in Disney in 2004 before kids.

And February 2006 with Evan in Disney.
Ok, I think that is all I have to report right now. Stay tuned and comment and let me know you are out there or drop me a line to let me know if you enjoy reading.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I've been really bad about commenting lately, but I'm still reading happily - thanks for keeping us so up to date!!
    Take care (jjKate)
