

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

4/28/09: List of 8's

I was tagged by Dorene for this so I thought it might be a fun post to do.

8 Things I am Looking Forward To

  1. DISNEY WORLD! 2 more weeks. Specifically all the character dining and eating at the Castle. I am a total Disney freak!
  2. Evan's Fireman Sam Birthday Party. He can't wait, we are having it at the Fire Station and then back at the house.
  3. Getting a call from the Company that offered me the job and then put it on hold that the job is available again and they want me to start.
  4. Going to Storyland and Santa's Village
  5. Going to Day Out With Thomas at Edaville Railroad
  6. Lauren's mini Dance Recital for her 1/2 Ballet, 1/2 Tap class.
  7. Having my great friend move back to MA from NY.
  8. Sitting in Florida at night watching the Electrical Parade.

8 Things I Did Yesterday

  1. Went to the Stone Zoo and saw many animals. The kids had so much fun.
  2. Went to Music Time at night at the library.
  3. Rented 4 Disney movies so the kids can get to know all of the older characters - we got Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, Mulan and Dumbo.
  4. Watched the Jungle Book.
  5. Let the kids have brownie sundaes.
  6. Listened to Kids Bop (what a horrible creation). Basically pop music sung my kids.
  7. Did the stationary bike for 45 minutes.
  8. Laughed while watching 2 1/2 Men and How I Met Your Mother.

8 Things I Wish I Could Do

  1. Roll my tongue (the whole family seems to be able except for me).
  2. Still be able to dance well (Ballet, Tap, Jazz)
  3. Work 3 days a week.
  4. Go on vacation to other countries.
  5. Have big parties at the house with a band and booze.
  6. Go back and relive my son's 1st 6 months of life without stressing so much.
  7. Go out to dinner more with just my hubby.
  8. Workout more.

8 Shows I watch

  1. Lost
  2. CSI (all of them)
  3. How I Met Your Mother
  4. 2 1/2 Men
  5. Rachel Ray's Talk Show
  6. Biggest Loser
  7. Scrubs
  8. The Office

8 People I Tag
I decided to tag people I visit virtually on a regular basis. If you are not familiar with them I would encourage you to take a peek.


Mommy Niri

Liz and Tim





ok, could only come up with 7, I am one short.

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