

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

7/8/09: Withdrawal from no camera and Children's Museum Acton

Ok, if you know me you know my camera is attached to my hip at all times. Who knows when one of the kids may do something cute, right? Well anyways, I dropped the camera for the 5th time or so (guess this camera only had 5 lives, not 9 - ok, bad attempt at humor) on July 4th and it finally broke. Won't take pictures at all. Well I had been wanting a new camera for a while, and now had a reason. So I just got this one today in the mail. I hope it works well! John kidded around that I will have to draw pictures of what I missed to put it in their scrapbooks. Well I only missed the actual fireworks in Boston, a trip to see fireworks in Wilmington, and going to see Ice Age.
Because I was in withdrawal from no camera I was forced to take sub-par pictures today with my cell phone while at the Discovery Museums in Acton. Apparently the area where it takes pictures is scratched because everything came out fuzzy plus if a child moves it can't deal with it. Here are some examples. Here is Lauren:
And one of Evan:

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