

Thursday, August 6, 2009

8/2-8/3: Story Land

Yet again we had a great time at Story Land. This is Evan's 4th time there, and Lauren's 3rd. The kids had a great time on the rides, and especially liked the tractors, Swan boats, and Carousel. You have to take this classic picture in the Pumpkin.
And with Humpty Dumpty.
And in front of the Story Land sign Day 1.And now Day 2. (If you go over at 3 you go for another day, so it is like you get an extra 3 hours there for free).
And Day 1 in the Pumpkin.
Lauren at the Castle. She has on her Story Land shirt with a picture of the Castle.

Visiting with the Princess at the Castle.
The kids seated like royalty at the Castle.

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