

Monday, September 14, 2009

9/13/09: Burlington Truck Day - Year 4

It is that time of year again, time for Truck Day! As you know Evan loves Fire Trucks as seen from his birthday party at the Fire Station. This is the largest of the Truck Days that we go to and have gone 4 years in a row. It was stated there were 120 trucks there and I believe it since they were every where. The kids had an awesome time! After we continued our busy weekend on to our nephew's birthday party, and then to visit Gilda's family including her Uncle who she hasn't seen in 20 years (lives in California). Here are the kids on the Fire Truck.

And in front of a big Mack truck. Evan especially likes Mack trucks due to the movie Cars.
Evan looking cool.
In the scooper.
Lauren in the scooper.
And Evan too.
Wow check out Evan.
Lauren smiling it up for a picture.
Beep Beep!
Lauren in front of the pretty pink truck.

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