

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

10/13/09: Evan's Wet Field Trip to Smolak Farms

Today was Evan's 2nd Field Trip with school to Smolak Farms. Last year we had a great time so he was really looking forward to it. This year we had a great time just got quite wet in the process. Unfortunately when we pulled back in to end the field trip the rain had stopped.
It seemed like today if it could go wrong it did. When we got there our bus was scheduled to go to the Hayride first, however we found out the axle broke on one of their wagons and they didn't have enough space for all of us so we went off to the barn for donuts and cider. When we got to the barn there were no lights, you may ask why, well of course there was a power outage. Here we are in the barn.
Here is Evan with one of his friends Jill from class.
And here we are on the hayride. We got to go pick a pumpkin after this.
Playing in the wet playground.
And Mommy was even prepared this time and brought quarters to buy food for the animals food. Evan liked feeding them.

All in all it wasn't so bad (although I must admit at one point Evan turned to me and said when are we leaving this place). The best part for the kids is always the bus ride and Evan got to eat his lunch on the bus too. Smolak I will see you next year for Lauren's field trip. I get to go on this Field Trip 4 years in a row. Let's hope for better weather next year.

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