

Thursday, October 22, 2009

10/21/09: Love Your Local Library

It is amazing how much we go to the library. There is always something going on. We are fortunate in the fact that there are 8 libraries all within 20 minutes of us that we can go to. There are Storytimes, Truck Days, Crafts, Music Time, Movies, Puppet Shows, Animal Shows, Parties, discount passes to Museums and Zoos, the list goes on and on. To check out other events we have gone to at the library go here.
One day at work some people were talking about the library and how no one must go there due to computers. I laughed to myself and thought obviously you don't have kids, because once you have kids you will be at the library all the time.
Here are the kids after creating these cute bat hats and Frankenstein door hangers (Lauren called her's Paul). We went and did this last year too.
If you haven't already check out all your local libraries have going on and donate some money to them or join any Friends of the Library type groups they have. Why not give a little back?
Outside the library.

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