

Saturday, February 6, 2010

2/6/10: Lauren's 1st Dance Class at Ellen's School of Dance

Mommy has been waiting for this day for a while. Today was Lauren's first day of Dance at Ellen's School of Dance where Mommy went as a kid and taught at for many years. Here is Lauren all excited to go to the "big Dance School". She has already come so far in the short year she has been taking Dance.
Here she is sitting in Miss Laurie's chair ready for class. Mommy also had Miss Laurie when she was a kid.
Time to start yet?
Arms out.
Bouncy, bouncy. The little girl in blue's Mom also danced with Mommy.
Dancing in a circle.
Lauren loves her skirt.
Following her teacher.
Good job!
Doing her front roll. She has lots of practice with this from Gymnastics.

Here is some video:

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