

Sunday, April 25, 2010

4/25/10: Celebrating Giving Back and Disney Fun

Today was my In Home Disney Celebration. As I posted before Disney selected me as part of the Disney Mom's Club to host this party and the theme was around giving back to the community with a box of Disney stuff they provided. The kids had a fun time (so did the adults) and donated a lot to help a family in need who just had a fire. I am very appreciative of such wonderful friends and the generosity of everyone.
We had a great time playing Disney Bingo, played Disney Trivia, watched the Disney video, listened to Disney music, ate yummy cupcakes, and shared great Disney tips. We even decorated with lots of Disney characters all around the room. And everyone went home with a Disney gift bag and Disney Princess print to hang in their room.
This is all the stuff that was donated to my daycare provider who's house just had a major fire. There were toys, puzzles, sheets, blankets, crayons, wipes, towels, hand cleaners, dolls, dress up clothes, DVDs, gift certificates, a check, etc.
Here is Evan all ready for the party.
And the kids with the balloons we gave out.
We started out the party by some announcements and then going around the room and having all the kids say their favorite Disney character and Disney movie. Here is Evan wispering his to me. Lauren's was Minnie Mouse and The Princess and the Frog, and Evan's was Mickey Mouse and Cars. No one asked me but my favorite character is of course Mickey Mouse, and favorite movie was Lady and the Tramp, lately thought I would say Cars.

The kids having fun playing Disney Bingo.
The kids enjoying the cupcakes which were rainbow colored and ice cream!
Here is the spread before the party.
And the cupcakes I made. As you might know I love to make Disney cakes and have made a Princess Castle, Mickey Mouse, and Tinker Bell cake.
Everyone chatting during the party and eating some snacks.
One more picture of all the stuff we are donating. Anything that my daycare provider cannot use I will be bringing to a shelter.



  1. Great party! LOVE the pictures! And os glad that you were able to do a great job in collecting the toys/etc for the daycare provider!

  2. Oh! You have a very wonderful party, the Disney theme really brings joy to the kid's faces, how sweet!
