

Monday, August 30, 2010

8/26-27/10 - Where Humpty stays on the Wall!

Of course no trip to the White Mountains would be complete without a visit to see Humpty and all of his friends. Here he stays on the wall and doesn't fall. This was last year's visit.
And of course the pose in the Pumpkin.And with Mommy.
And with Daddy making a stinky face in the background.
In front of the cool sign.
We even bumped in to one of Evan's classmates from last year (and Mommy's friend from high school).
Hanging with the clown.
And with Cinderella. Quite confusing after going to Disney World. My did the castle look different.
Kids being funny.
Evan being silly.
Riding the tractors. Always a favorite. This year the kids went on the Polar Coaster for the first time. Despite the fact that Evan didn't want to ride at first, he ended up doing it twice and said it was his favorite ride. Something Mommy loves to hear as she loves roller coasters!
Lauren was very proud she could go on the raft ride, she was finally tall enough this year!
Lauren on the tractors.
Lauren giving some love.
A pretty picture of the park that I probably take every year.

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