

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

9/8/10: Evan's 1st day of school!

Today is Evan's 1st day of Kindergarten! And first day taking the bus. This morning started off stormy and rainy but we managed to get a few pictures outside plus the rain stopped right when the bus arrived. Here he is ready to go.
Showing off his backpack.
Waiting in the car because of the rain for the bus.
Getting on the bus. I tried to be quick, unfortunately his eyes are closed. Hopefully will get a good one later when he gets home.
Getting on the bus.
The bus pulling away. You can see him in the third window back from the front waving to Mommy. It was so cute watching him wave goodbye to me. He is handling this transition much better than me. I had a whole range of emotions, happiness, sadness, excitement and nervousness. What an emotional day. A new Chapter in our life begins.
As you can see from the big smile on his face when getting off the bus he had a great day!
After school, 1 day down!

1 comment:

  1. What a big boy! He looks so cute! What an exciting next chapter in your life. :)
