

Sunday, October 3, 2010

10/3/10: Apple Picking with the WPI Crew

Even though we didn't make it to WPI this year for homecoming and my 15 year reunion we did go apple picking with the WPI crew as we usually do. Here are previous trips. This year with 14 in tow we headed to Honey Pot Hill Farm. We took a hayride, saw some animals picked some apples, and ate cider donuts. What a great time and big apples!
The family picture we take each year.
The kiddos.
Kiddos again.
And one more.
Lauren posing with the Teddy Bear. She liked him.
Evan picking some apples.
Lauren picking some.
Evan showing off his apples.
And Lauren too.
Posing with the scare crows.
Now it is time to make some pies!

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