

Thursday, February 3, 2011

2/3/11: Lauren's 1st Baton Lesson

Lauren had her first Baton lesson today. Mommy twirled as a kid all the way up through High School and was really involved in it competing in State, Regional and World Championships. The kids saw the Batons in storage and thought it would fun to try out. It was hard to find some places that taught but we found one. And she is twirling with another ex-twirler's daughter that Mommy twirled with. Here she is ready to go.
Learning to roll it down her back.
Learning to twirl.
Up above the head.
She is starting to get the hang of it.
Going around in a circle.
This is fun!
Being silly.
Rolling it in to her arms.

Here is some videos:

Doing horizontals:

Their Routine:

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