

Friday, April 1, 2011

4/1/11: Lauren's 4th Birthday Formal Pictures

Lauren acted like a model today for her 4th birthday pictures. She was doing her own poses and smiling away for the camera. The photographer loved working with her. They even had me sign a release to put up her pictures in the Studio.

Obviously from the pictures you can tell it is a Ballet themed party at her Dance School. She was having so much fun posing for the camera.

I really like this one.

This was her at 3 months old, my little baby is getting so big!

Another cute one. She can't wait till her Dance Recital. Here are some pictures from last year's show.

A second outfit.

So cute!


  1. That is one cute kid. Who clearly has a thing for the camera!

  2. Cute pics. Following from the UBP. Hope you can stop by my blog.
    God Bless,

  3. love the pics! thanks for taking the time to say hi!!! following you on twitter. my daughter wants to be a ballerina too... we have lots of tutu's all over the house! hah.

    -kristanlynn @ adelynSTONE

  4. What a pretty little princess! Love that ballet outfit. My daughter would go wild for it. Where does the time go? One minute you're rocking them and the next they're independant little people. - @Dayngr

  5. These are adorable pictures! I think I really have to invest in a good camera. Stopping by from UBP11. thanks for the twitter comment too!

  6. Darling photos, Gilda. Thanks for sharing!
