

Monday, April 18, 2011

4/14/11: Evan's School Walk-a-Thon for Healthy Living

I love the idea our PTA had this year for the Spring Fundraiser.  Instead of selling something instead the kids did a Walk-a-Thon and learned about healthy living, got outside to enjoy walking, and had a great time!  The kids raised three times the normal amount for this fundraiser over previous years.  What an awesome idea!
I had the joy of walking with the Kindergarteners.  It was so fun, and Evan held my hand the whole walk.  I also walked with the 4th Graders which turned in to more of a Run-a-Thon than a Walk-a-Thon.  What a fun day.
 Ditson kids are cool!  There were great signs up all around the walk teaching the kids about healthy living, plus they got a water, bracelet, and ice pop when they were done.
 Evan even won a competition from the Walk-a-Thon to draw a picture and write what Healthy Living means to him.  He won out of all the Kindergarteners and got a pedometer!  We were so proud.
 Here is his picture.
 And what he wrote.

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