

Sunday, June 19, 2011

6/18/11: Boston Bruins Victory Parade

As I posted earlier, the Boston  Bruins won the Stanley Cup.  This is the first time in my lifetime they have won, considering the last time was in 1972.  Because this could be a once in a lifetime thing, we decided to head on in to Boston with the kids for the Victory Parade.  What a fun time.  Here are the kids ready for the parade.
The Stanley Cup.
 I love this picture with the Bear!
Lauren ready to see the parade.
 Evan is ready too.
 Along with the sea of fans!
Duck Boats.
 Another one.
 Another one.
 Another one.
 The kids had fun wearing their Bruins gear and cheering on the team.

1 comment:

  1. My son (21) was there too!! So exciting! I was out of town, so have been catching up on footage and pics of the parade! LOVE THESE!!!
