

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

8/30/11: 1st Day of First Grade!

Well hard to believe, but it is that time of year again!  Back to school.  Wow the summer went by way to fast.  Here is my post from last year and the first day of Kindergarten.  We stayed with tradition and did a photo with a sign telling all the details of this year.  He is going to have a great year, we have heard wonderful things about his teacher and he has a lot of good friends in his class.  One girl he has known since he was a baby, another boy he has known since he was 3 on his soccer team, and many other friends he has met along the way.
 He is getting so big!
 Here is Evan with Freddy.
Evan showing me his new backpack.

 Looking cute.
 Ready to go.
 He is getting to be such a big boy, it is amazing how much he has matured in just one year of school.
 Being interviewed by Daddy on video.
 The bus is here!
 Already chatting it up with his friends.
 Bye, sniff, sniff, have a great day!

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