

Saturday, September 17, 2011

9/17/11: Yankee Doodle Parade With the Ditson!

Today Billerica held its annual Yankee Doodle Parade. Evan was in this parade last year also as you can see here.  This year mommy helped out coordinating the float for the parade, and we were able to pull it off in a short amount of time.  The Ditson School was well represented with about 50 students and staff marching alongside our Thomas Ditson float.  Here are Lauren and Evan in the back of the float dressed up like farmers. 
The overall theme for Yankee Doodle Homecoming was “Community Time Capsule”. Our theme was from Thomas Ditson the Farmer, The Minutemen, and children of the Ditson School today. Grades K-2 dressed like Farmers, and Grades 3-5 dressed like Minutemen, with additional students wearing Ditson Green. "Yankee Doodle" was sung by several Ditson students and played from the float.
 It was a special year as Kathy and Julie Ditson, the great-great-great-great-great granddaughters of Thomas Ditson, Jr. were the Grand Marshalls of this year’s parade. They are pictured here with the staff and students behind the float.
 Here I am with my two farmers.
The kids on the float.  This was the first time Evan really got in to the waving to the crowd.
 The kids walking behind with parents and staff from the Ditson.
Here is some video:

Some of the Ditson parents.
What a fun day!

1 comment:

  1. It was such a joy and privilege to be a part of your celebration in September. Your school's float was great and you made my sister and me feel so welcome! Julie Ditson, Kearney, Nebraska
