

Monday, September 26, 2011

9/24/11: Animals at the Library?

As I have posted before, we love our local library.  Not only can we get great books there, but we can also attend children's events and get passes to area museums.  Over the past weekend, there was a Barnyard Friends Petting Zoo at our town's library.  We are members of the Friends of the library so we were able to attend.  What a lot of fun with the kids.  It was just Evan and Lauren with a bunch of animals they could pick up, pet and brush.
 There were bunnies.
  Lauren loved this bunny.
 And this was adorable.  There is one bunny on top of another bunny, and the pig came over to lick them.  So cute.
 Evan even got to help getting the Ducks back in their crate.
Thank you again Billerica Library for having a wonderful event for the kids.

1 comment:

  1. What a great event! I know my youngest would have loved something like that.
