

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

9/7/11: Rock 'N Learn Sight Words Giveaway and Review

If you have a pre school aged child or older you have heard of Sight Words.  Until Evan entered Kindergarten I had never heard of the term Sight Words but now I am very familiar with them.  They are words that are used frequently that children should be able to recognize and know by Sight.  I don't know about you, but we are always trying to find creative ways to teach our kids Sight Words.  I personally learn with associations, so when I started with my son I made up flashcards with the sight words and would use pictures to help.  For example the word Up, I put balloons on the back.  We had recently watched the movie Up where the man makes his house float with balloons so Evan quickly identified with this and learned this sight word.  I was lucky enough to be able to work with the people at Rock 'N Learn and receive one of their newer DVDs especially for Sight Words!  How perfect. 
My kids enjoyed watching this video and got up and danced.  I liked how they had a visual with each word which helps kids learn.  They would say the word, show it on the screen and also perform and action to display it.  I loved that!  Plus with the 2 kids they made it a little competition trying to say the words first.  They really responded to it and it was good for both my son who just started 1st grade and my daughter who is in pre school.
Sight Words Covered:
  • up • down • come • go • in • out
  • of • the • a
  • where • is • it • here • there
  • one • two • three • red • yellow • blue • little • big
  • look • see • find
  • run • jump • play • away • and
  • you • I • we • can • make • funny • face • get
  • to • for • me • my • give • from • came • as • are
  • no • not • now • said • help • will
  • he • she • his • her • they • that • was • with • on
Bonus Sections:
  • Word Shapes
  • Pronouncing t-h-e
As one of my readers you are lucky enough to have a chance to win a DVD or CD of your choice, more details below.  Note this is for all ages of children going up to 10+.  You can browse by age hereAlso as one of my lucky readers I would like to offer you a coupon code for 25% off your entire purchase at by using the code JQ7711.

Rock 'N Learn also offers the following websites where you can also download free study materials:
If you would like to preview the Sight Words DVD here is a sample video:

What can you do to give Rock 'N Learn some love?:
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Want to win a CD or DVD of your choice? Here is how to enter:
1 entry for each item:
- Comment here on this post as to the product you would like to win from the Rock 'N Learn Website. (comment section at the bottom). Note if you are logging in anonymously please include your email so I can contact you. Also if you have problems, just Preview the comment and it should work. Make sure you see Comment posted.
Additional Entries:
- Subscribe to Evan and Lauren's Cool Blog (and verify the subscription to be valid) and leave a separate comment that you did.
- Subscribe via Google Friend Connect to Evan and Lauren's Cool Blog (on the Right hand side)
- Already a subscriber (thank you) then leave a comment stating you are
- Share this link on your Facebook page and leave a comment here stating you did.
- Follow me on Twitter @galiberti If you already follow me, just leave a comment here that you are a Follower.
- Tweet this Giveaway (you can do this daily): Win a Rock 'N Learn DVD or CD from @galiberti and your kids will have fun learning. #Giveaway
Contest closes Wednesday, September 21st, 2011.
Winner will be chosen by and contacted. They will be mailed their products.
Diclosure:  I received the Sight Words DVD for the purposes of this review.  All opinions are my own.


  1. These look like great videos - I would love to enter to try to win the Dance with the Animals dvd. Soooo many great ones to pick from!

  2. I am already a subscriber of your blog - I love automatically receiving updates!

  3. My son would love these!! I think the getting ready for Kindergarten would be a helpful one in our house!
    Jessica Berry
    Brodsen at

  4. subscribed to blog via email
    jessica berry
    brodsen at gmail dot com

  5. connected via GFC
    GFC name Jessica layne
    brodsen at


    Shared on fb
    Jessica berry
    brodsen at gmail dot com

  7. following on twitter
    Jessica berry
    brodsen at gmail dot com

  8. The videos look great! my 5 year old niece would love them! A gfc friend and twitter.


  9. I would like to win the Colors, Shapes, and Counting DVD!
    Kkrasowski at comcast dot net

  10. gfc follower
    Kkrasowski at comcast dot net

  11. following you on twitter - @tidbitsfromamom
    Kkrasowski at comcast dot net

  12. Laurie - post for being a twitter follower.

  13. Laurie - post for being a GFC follower.
