

Thursday, October 20, 2011

10/19/11: Max and Ruby Bunny Party Live Show

Last night we were lucky enough to go to the Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts in Worcester to see Max and Ruby Bunny Party!  Whata fun show.  And thanks to my Giveaway another family was able to enjoy the show.  My kids loved it.  Here they are ready for it to begin.
 Waiting to go in to the theatre.
 Nana came with us.  Since the Birthday Party in the show was for Grandma, how fitting was that.
 The beautiful theatre.
 Max and Ruby!  The stars of the show.
So funny when they are making themselves look "gorgeous".
 Grandma is here for the party!
 Bye!  What a great show and so adorable for little ones with times where they could get up and dance.  It was so cute seeing all the little kids dressed up at the Theatre excited to see Max and Ruby.
Disclosure: I received a family four pack of tickets for the show to promote it. All opinions are my own and no other compensation was received.

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