

Thursday, November 10, 2011

11/10/11: Thanksgiving Dinner at School

Well no sooner do we finish trick or treating, but now it is almost Turkey time! I was lucky enough to be invited to Evan's class for their Thanksgiving Party!  It was too cute.  Evan was adamant he wanted to dress up, so here he is as a Pilgrim (the best I could do since he told me the night before that he wanted to dress up), and Lauren too.
 So cute.  All ready to feast.
 Talking about what they are thankful for.
 Evan was really into it.  After the meal I asked him if I could fix his pants for recess but he wanted to keep them the way they were.
 Mommy having fun with her two kiddos.
 So adorable.
 YUM!  Turkey, mashed potatos, gravy, stuffing, green beans, carrots, cranberry sauce, corn, corn bread and desserts!
The whole class after their feast!

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