

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

11/15/11: Mickey Mouse Will Always Have My Heart

If you know me, you know that I love Disney!  I actually get tears of joy during some of the parades and seeing the kids having so much fun.  I have also been known to get a little choked up when I leave the Magic Kingdom for the last time each trip.  What you may not know, is that Mickey Mouse was the first man (mouse) I had a crush on.  I was so jealous of Minnie Mouse as a kid as I felt she took Mickey from me.  :-)
I was so excited when my kids were small and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse came out.  This was perfect as I felt like Mickey Mouse was almost getting forgotten and all the kids liked all the newer characters.  It made Evan want to have a Mickey Mouse birthday and I got to make this wonderful Mickey Mouse cake.
 And made the kids want to dress up like Mickey and Minnie.
Of course when I could chose I made Evan Mickey Mouse for his first Halloween.
I have numerous Mickey Mouse shirts, PJs, Jewelry, Watches, etc.  My favorite item is my Mickey and Minnie Purse that gets the most compliments of any purse I have ever owned.  I chalk it up to all the other Disney lovers like myself.  The best thing about this purse is that it only cost $25!  I actually bought 3 to have backups.  I have another one in blue.
Another thing you may not know, is that I didn't go to Disney World until I was 12.  My parents couldn't wait to take me however my Nana lived with us (god rest her soul).  She needed to be taken care of so we couldn't go on vacations far away.  Sadly she passed away when I was 12 and the first thing we did shortly after was went to Disney World.  One cool thing is that even though my parents couldn't take me to Disney when I was younger, they brought Disney to me.  We would go to Disney on Ice every year on my birthday.  This is a tradition I have carried on now with my kids.
Since then I have gone many times, almost too many to count.  I was lucky enough to march down Main Street in Magic Kingdom twice and perform in Epcot with the Majorettes from my High School.  When I found out John had never been of course we had to remedy that.  He had only been to Disneyland but never Disney World.  This was our first trip, I love this picture outside Minnie Mouse's house.
 With Mickey at Hollywood Studios.
 Then we traveled there again a few years later and also went to see the Red Sox play in Spring Training.
 Love this picture in Animal Kingdom.
 Then when my son was little we got invited to a wedding in Key West.  Well what better excuse to go to Disney since we were already in Florida.
 Then was Princess Lauren's 1st trip.
 Minnie giving Evan some love.
 Ok, so I had to make amends with Minnie.  She got so excited over my shirt.
 One thing I love is that each trip with the kids is a bit different.  I love seeing all the characters and seeing their eyes light up, and the excitement they get as they get big enough to ride some of the bigger rides.  Keep in mind Evan is 6 and has been 4 times, and Lauren is 4 and has been 3 times.
 And our latest trip. 
I was also extremely fortunate to get selected to have a Disney In Home Celebration with a theme of giving back.  I was able to share all of my great Disney wisdom with others and give back to my daycare provider who had just had a house fire. 
I am so excited that my kids enjoy Disney World and love so many of the Disney characters. I hope they continue to feel that way for many many years.  I continue to share my Disney wisdom with friends and family.  I also apply every year to the Disney Mom's Panel.  Maybe some day I may get picked, but till then I will keep a little magic in my heart. 


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