

Thursday, March 15, 2012

3/15/12: HEXBUGS Hive Habitat and Zip Line

I posted recently about visiting HEXBUG by Innovation First Labs, Inc.  The kids got to play with the HEXBUG Nano Hive Habitat Set which won Specialty Toy of the Year at Toy Fair and the Zip Line.  The kids love it and to be honest I love it too.
I love the whole idea behind this toy of mini-robotic toys for kids.  It is so fabulous to get kids excited about tech!  Evan was having a blast connecting the pieces together.  The nice thing about this toy is that the Hive Habitat connects with the Zip Line set and connects with other components so the play continues to evolve as you get additional components.
 Check out the HEXBUG Nano on the Zip Line.  The kids really got excited as the HEXBUG made it up the ramp and then came down the Zip Line.  I was also having fun playing with the Nanos and having them come down the Zip line.
Evan was really getting in to this toy getting very animated as he played with it.  He spent quite a while changing the configurations of the pegs, seesaw and merry go round, to have the HEXBUGs follow different paths.  He loved watching them go up the ramp and as he would say battle each other as both Nanos went towards each other. 
Here is Evan showing us how it works.  You can see his enthusiasm about this toy.
How cool is this toy?  Here is the Hive Habitat connected to the Zip Line.  I totally wish I had this when I was a kid!
 My nephews also got in to playing with it.  They are a little older but really loved playing all together with the Habitat.  They spent over an hour around this toy playing and reconfiguring it to see the HEXBUGs react differently.
 Lauren and her cousin playing with it.
 Even my sister-in-law's dog Chewy liked seeing the HEXBUGs and got really in to checking them out.  He was really cute going up to them and nudging them with his nose.
 Here is the Hive Habitat Set originally packaged.  I love that it folds up.  It made it so easy to take it with us when going to my in-laws with all the components inside.
 And the Zip Line Starter Set as it is packaged.  This component also comes with a Nano and is just totally awesome!
HEXBUG only entered in to the toy industry in 2007 but has done outstanding work in a short time.
Like them on Facebook here.
Follow them on Twitter: @HEXBUG
Disclosure:  I received these toys for review purposes.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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