

Saturday, March 17, 2012

3/17/12: Greenberg's Train and Toy Show

Today we went to Greenberg's Train and Toy Show at the Shriner's Auditorium in Wilmington, MA.  Evan loves trains so this was right up his alley. 
It was only $7 for adults and free for kids under 11.  They are open this Sunday too.  The kids had a great time taking a ride on this little cute train which was $3 a person.
 One of the cool displays.  There were so many trains on display and being sold there along with cool collectible toys.
 Here is some video of the kids and this display.
The kids with their Engineers hats.
 Evan loving checking out all the displays.  He could have stayed there all day.
 Evan and Lauren driving the trains.  This is where they earned their Engineers hats.  Kids could drive the trains for $3 for 5 minutes.
 Here is some video of them driving the trains.
Checking out the cool trains.
 Evan loves this!
 The displays were amazing.
What a ton of fun and we got some cool GI Joes and older toys.  It was definitely a toy or train collectors dream there.


  1. Looks so kids would love this, great pics!

  2. Looks so kids would love this, great pics!

  3. Looks so kids would love this, great pics!
