

Friday, March 30, 2012

3/30/12: Easter Egg Hunt Fun!

As I said in my earlier Easter Roundup Post, there are lots of fun Easter activities going on for the family.  We went to our first Easter Egg Hunt last night and the kids had a great time!
 This one was at Simonds Park so the kids got to play at the playground for a bit after.  Here is Lauren making a run for the eggs.  They separated the kids by age.  Lauren is only a few short weeks away from 5 so I put her with the 5-7 year olds to keep her and Evan together.
 Now Evan and Lauren are comparing what they got.
 Showing me their eggs.  It was a bit chilly but it didn't ruin the fun.  Too bad it wasn't last week when we had the warm weather.
 They wanted to say Bye to the Easter Bunny.  I love how Lauren is holding his hand.
Have a wonderful Easter everyone!


  1. Looks like the kids had fun, Gilda. I didn't even know they had an Easter egg hunt there. How did you know? Have a good weekend...

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