

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

3/6/12: Art Show at School

Last night was the Art Show at Evan's elementary school for ages K-5.  This is my second year being lucky enough to run this event for the school and it was very well received. 
Evan loves Angry Birds so we decided to build his Art Piece around that.  The title is "Angry Birds Dreaming of Recess".  They are in school but are dreaming of flying through the air during Recess.
 Here he is all excited as we setup.  We ran the Art Show and Talent Show a little differently this year but I think it was for the best.  Usually the two are combined but this year we separated it out to give the Art participants more attention.  The Art Show was well attended and we had desserts for people plus I got to announce every artist and then announce the winners.
 Here is a more close up photo of the Art Piece.
 Here is Mommy comforting Evan after the winners were announced.  He didn't win but I do know he was close.  Everyone is a winner in my book and should all be applauded for participating.
 Evan with his certificate.  This is after he knew he didn't win so it was harder to get a smile out of him.  He was really disappointed, but we kept telling him to just enjoy how all the people walking by loved it.
  We had 60 artists participate.  Here is our displays for K-2.  There were more on the other wall for 3-5.  Thank goodness for great volunteers that helped me setup for the show.
Looking forward to helping out now with the Town-Wide Art Show later this month.

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