

Saturday, April 21, 2012

3/22/12: Things You Will Not Hear/See at Fenway, But Will at Little League

After attending my son's 1st Little League Baseball game tonight I felt compelled to write the following post.  Enjoy!
From the home office of near Boston, MA...
The Top 10 Things You Will Not Hear or See at Fenway Park, But You Will At A Little League Baseball Game...

10. 2 hours and 15 minutes of play for 3 innings.

9. A delay of game due to the 1st baseman sitting on the ground with his shoe off.

8. The following said:  "My name is not Dad today, it is Coach".

7. The whole bench chanting here we go .   

6. Whining from the bench "I need a snack."       
5. A player hit the ball, run to 1st base, and then run back to the bench when they are not out.  Then need to be coaxed back to 1st base.

4. "I don't want to wear the black helmet, I will wait for the blue one." - Quote from my son.

3. Jane I got another coming to go potty, just stay there!

2. A player hit the ball, run to 1st base, and then run and get the ball that was thrown to 1st base and throw it back to the pitcher.

And the Top Thing You Will Not Hear or See at Fenway Park, But You Will At A Little League Baseball Game...

1. The Third Baseman waving hello to runners as they pass Third Base.  (Yes my son did this and it cracked me up!)

1 comment:

  1. Very funny! Also need to post something about the awful dust!
