

Monday, April 16, 2012

4/16/12: I Love That Dirty Water, Boston You're My Home

Do you find that if you live in a town that you sometimes forget to do some of the touristy things it has to offer?  Today since it was 88 degrees in April in Boston and the kids were off we decided to head in to Boston and take a Duck Tour.
 The kids had been talking about taking one for a while so I figured it would be fun.  Plus I had my Fun Pass New England discount booklet that got us both kids tickets free.
So we headed on in to the Museum of Science and got there at 5 of 11 and could have got on the 11 o'clock tour but opted to wait for the noon one so daddy could head on over to ride too.  He works very close to the Museum of Science.  I was worried we wouldn't get tickets since it was such a nice day but was pleasantly surprised to see how quiet it was at the Museum and for the Duck Boats.  Here the kids are with their duck bills.
 I love that the T-Rex had on a number in honor of the Marathon today since it is Patriot's Day and the Boston Marathon was going on.
 What Duck Boat tour wouldn't be complete without the kids driving the Duck Boat when it is in the water.  Here is Lauren.  Our tour driver was dressed up as a Blue's Brother and like her glasses so he put his hat on her for this picture.  Super cute!
 And of course Evan was the first one with his hand up to drive the Duck Boat!  The kids had a lot of fun quacking at people and checking out the sights in Boston.
 The Constitution, Old Ironsides.
 The State House.  It was nice learning some facts about Boston that even my husband and I didn't know living here all our lives.
 Then we headed in to the Museum of Science.  I am very lucky that my company gives us free tickets to the Exhibit Hall, Planetarium and Omni Theater.
 We watched the electricity show.  The kids got a kick out of it.
 And of course the T-Rex inside wearing his number too.  Evan wondered which one would win, the one on the outside or inside if they did actually race.
What a beautiful day in our own backyard of Boston!

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