

Sunday, April 22, 2012

4/22/12: Lauren's Gymnastics Exhibition Meet

Lauren is on Pre-Team at GymStreet USA.  Their Pre-Team is called the Tiny Stars.  Today they let the Pre-Team kids do a short exhibition in the middle of two meets so that they could see what it was like to compete.  Plus all the kids got a participation medal.
 As you can see by this picture, Lauren had a fantastic time!
 Here she is warming up doing her hand stands.  She is really good at them.
 Waving to the family.
 That is her in front doing her cartwheels.  Another thing she is really good at.
Here are all the kids ready to go.
1st Event was Vault.  She did great.
Here is some video of one of her vaults.
 This is during her floor routine.  The video is better, it is so hard to take pictures there.
Video of Floor Routine.
Here she is getting her medal!
 Proud to show me her medal!
 With her Coach - Miss Ling.  Lauren is off to a great start having participated in 3 Meets now.  Lots of practice for when there is real judging.

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