

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

4/25/12: Ditson's 2nd Annual Walk-a-Thon for Healthy Living

Our Spring Fundraiser is a Walk-a-Thon for Healthy Living.  I love this idea, the kids get to learn about healthy living, go outside to enjoy walking, and have a great time!  Plus they raised $11,000!  Here is the 1st Grade Class.
 I got to organize the event this year with my Co-Vice President.  We had the kids make pennants in Art class, plus write/draw something that represented healthy living.  Plus we had raffles for the kids with sports equipment and gift certificates to area businesses.  I was lucky enough to get GymStreet USA and Ellen's School of Dance to donate.  Here I am with Evan!
 Evan all excited to go on his walk.
 You have to stretch before you exercise.
 Here they are all stretching.
 Coming round the bend.
 Evan walking with Daddy.
 Then they all got a juice pop and water.
 Evan's class.
 Kids from his class enjoying the snack.
 We had signs posted around the walk.
 Each class made a pennant for the banner.
 What a great day!
I can't wait till next year!

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