

Thursday, May 10, 2012

5/10/12: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff for Moms Review and Giveaway

CONTEST CLOSED: Congratulations bloomerbear
As a Mom we juggle quite a few duties however the most important part of being a Mom is having a happy family.  Learning to stress less about everyday issues is a key to this and now there is a community and a book focused on just this.  "Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Moms”.  Plus it is a perfect gift for Mother's Day.
It is so hard sometimes to let things go for me, however lately I have been really trying to take things day by day and stop worrying about things I can't control (weather, etc).  This is my way of trying to not sweat the small stuff.  I love a lot of the content especially Chapter 1 - There is no such thing as a perfect Mom.  I feel like we are often so worried if we are "doing it right" when in actuality there is no "right".  This took me a while to learn being someone that went to school for engineering and loving Math that always has constants like 2 + 2 = 4.  There is no ambiguity there, but in parenting there is.
I would love for you to join me in this community of Moms choosing happiness over stress.  
You can be an official Don’t Sweat Mom too, just go here: 
You can get the book on Amazon and Barnes and Nobles.
As one of my readers you can also get the 1st Chapter free by going here! Plus read on to find out how you can win the book.
 More info here about the book:
"In the first new Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff book in nine years, Kristine Carlson shows how moms can live with less stress and more happiness. Kristine Carlson gives mothers tried-and-true advice that will empower them to find greater peace, joy, and harmony within themselves and their homes. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Moms reveals how to: be a mom (not a friend), balance being a woman and a mom, pursue your passion (but not at the expense of your children, and reclaim your family time."
Check out the book trailer:
Find them on Facebook
Twitter:  @DontSweatMoms #DontSweatMoms

Here is how to enter to Win a Don't Sweat the Small Stuff for Moms Book!
1 entry for each item:
Mandatory Entry:
- Tell me what you do to de-stress.  (comment section at the bottom). Note if you are logging in anonymously please include your email so I can contact you.  Make sure you see comment posted.
Additional Entries Optional:
- Like Evan and Lauren's Cool Blog on Facebook and then comment here that you did.
- Subscribe to Evan and Lauren's Cool Blog (and verify the subscription to be valid) and leave a separate comment that you did.
- Subscribe via Google Friend Connect to Evan and Lauren's Cool Blog (on the Right hand side) and leave a comment that you did.
- Already a subscriber (thank you) then leave a comment stating you are.
- Share this link on your Facebook page and leave a comment here stating you did.
- Follow me on Twitter @galiberti If you already follow me, just leave a comment here that you are a Follower.
- Follow @DontSweatMoms on Twitter.  Then leave a comment here that you followed them.
- Tweet this Giveaway (you can do this daily): #Win Don't Sweat the Small Stuff for Moms @DontSweatMoms from @galiberti #Giveaway #DontSweatMoms
Contest closes Friday, June 1st, 2012.  US residents only. 
Winner will be chosen by
Disclosure:  I received this book for review purposes.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.


  1. I either take a warm bath and stay in for a long time or I read a good book

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thank you

  2. I like your blog on Facebook

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thank you

  3. I am a subscriber to your blog

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thank you

  4. I'm a Google Friend

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thank you

  5. I follow you on Twitter: bloomerbear

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thank you
