

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

5/1/12: Kindergarten Orientation for my Baby

I can hardly believe that my little one Lauren is going to Kindergarten next year.  I have very mixed emotions about this.  On one side I am so sad for her to be growing up, but on the other side I know she is ready and such a grown up little girl.  So I need to hold back the tears and be happy she is moving up to the "big school".
Today we had Kindergarten orientation.  They called all the kids up on the stage to listen to a story.  Lauren saw many friends from preschool, dance class and other activities in town.
 Lauren should have no trouble adjusting to being at school since she has been there so much with me over the last two years her brother has been there.
  All the kids.
 Here she is with one of her friends that was in her preschool class.  This little girl's sister was in Evan's preschool class too.
 Lauren coloring in one of her possible classrooms.
Ok, I know I said it before with Evan but now it is really time to freeze them at this age.

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