

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

6/19/12: End of Year Fun For Evan

Well the weather is getting warmer and school is out and activities are done!  This is a very exciting time of year.  I thought I would share some pictures from Evan's end of year activities.  This was Evan's 1st season playing Little League and he really enjoyed it.  Here he is at his last game.  I love this picture!  Note his face is painted from being at Field Day.
 Here is his team - The Angels!  How cute are they?
 Of course saying they are #1.
 In the dugout at the game.
 Evan hitting in his last game.
 Of course he also had his last Soccer game and got a trophy which he was quite excited about.  Evan has been playing soccer since he was 3.
 Here he is with his team DC United.
 Plus there was Field Day at school.
 Here he is at my Lucky Numbers table that I got to run all day.  I gave out Sweet Tarts when they got the number on the wheel and it was a big hit!
 The last day of school!  Wow this year flew.  On to 2nd Grade for Evan.

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