

Friday, June 29, 2012

6/29/12: GymStreet Team Banquet

In Gymnastics the girls work hard all year and it is nice to have a night to celebrate, wear a pretty dress, dance and have fun.  GymStreet USA did a fabulous job again of putting on a wonderful Banquet for the girls.  Here is Lauren with her Coach.
Here she is getting her award!
 Now she is showing me her super cool new shirt and her certificate.
 Here she is with one of her team members.  Lauren is on a pre-team called Tiny Stars because she is so young.  She started on pre-team at the age of 3 and I have seen such a huge improvement in 2 short years.
 So proud now putting on her shirt!
We are so proud to be part of the GymStreet USA family.

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