

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

7/23/12: Belka & Strelka:Space Dogs Movie Review

If you haven't read this yet you must know that growing up I wanted to be an astronaut.  I would watch movies like "Space Camp" and dream of being launched in to Space in a rocket.  So it goes without saying that anytime I see a movie that relates to Space travel I will like it.  Of course Apollo 13 was one my favorite movies of all time.  Now though it is fun to watch cute little animated movies with the kids.  Recently I received Space Dogs which was released in Russia at the 50 year anniversary of the 1st space flight featuring a dog.
Belka (the white dog above) is a Circus performer that takes a ride in a rocket in the show that ends up going out of the Circus tent.  This is where she meets Strelka and their Space tale begins.  The movie is set in 1960 in the former Soviet Union and shows the two going through Astronaut training which was super cute.
When I was in High School I wrote a report on Laika the first dog in Space.  I personally enjoyed the credits when they showed some actual dogs who were launched in to space as part of the Russian space program.  Here is a picture of Laika that I featured in my report.
My kids were very entertained by the movie so check it out.  You can pick it up at
Disclosure:  I received this movie in exchange for review.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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