

Sunday, July 29, 2012

7/29/12: First Full Day at Sunset Beach, NC With Coppertone to Protect Us

After a long two days of driving from Boston we arrived at Sunset Beach, NC yesterday.  Here are the kids very excited to hit the beach even though it was a little later in the day.  I am lucky enough to be a part of the Coppertone Water Moms so we lathered up the kids with some Coppertone Water Babies 50 SPF and headed to the beach. 
 Today we got to spend our first full day at the beach.  Here is Lauren enjoying the waves on her boogie board (though she calls it her skate board).
 Evan riding the waves too.  He absolutely loves this.  But it does crack me up that he still has his sunglasses on.
 Evan's favorite place is in the sand building some sand castles.
 Lauren having fun.
 Evan is doing a great job building.
 Here is Lauren with her new Coppertone towel.  I also received tons of Sun block samples and coupons to share.  I will say that despite the fair skin Lauren has the 50 did the trick!  Plus the Face Stick is my favorite!  The other product that is awesome is the Wet n' Clear spray.  It is easy to spray on wet kids at the beach and won't drip white.  It actually cuts through the water to adhere to the skin which is perfect at the beach.
Check out Coppertone on Facebook:
Disclosure:  I am a part of the Coppertone Water Moms.  I was provided with samples of their sunblock, a beach bag, beach towel, and coupons.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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