

Thursday, July 5, 2012

7/5/12: July 4th Festivities

I hope everyone had a wonderful July 4th holiday.  We did!  Here are the kids looking super cute in Boston on the 4th.
We started our festivities with the Wilmington Carnival as we always do.  Here are the kids having fun on the rides.
They love the cars, though they are getting a bit big for them.
Lauren looking cute.
Here they are with their winnings.  Yes Evan did win a real live goldfish.  It was a really hard game too, I couldn't win it, but he did.
Unfortunately fishy didn't make it to the next morning.  RIP Fishy.  You had a good little life.
We also went to the fireworks in Wilmington.
 Lovely fireworks.
Then on July 4th during the day Lauren was in the Chelmsford parade baton twirling.
 Here are all the little ones ready to march.
 Lauren watching the parade.
 Some of the girls watching the parade.
 Lauren twirling with the Suburbanettes.
 Doing a great job. 
 Hanging out watching the rest of the parade.
 Then we went in to Boston.  Here is our view of the barge from John's company.
 Ready for the fireworks despite the half hour delay due to storms.
 Beautiful fireworks as always.
 Love it!
 Love this picture of them holding hands.  It was Lauren's idea for them to hold hands.

1 comment:

  1. John must work for Atlas? That's funny, Steve is a good family friend.
