

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11/12: Back to School!

It is that time of year again, back to school time.  I just put my little one on the bus for the first time to head to Kindergarten, sniff, sniff.  Luckily she has her big brother who is in 2nd Grade to show her the ropes and help her out.
Of course Fred our dog had to get in on the picture.
Here is Evan on his first day.  Since Lauren is in Kindergarten they started on different days.
 He loves Angry Birds.
 At the bus stop.
 Ready to go.
 Getting on the bus.
 Look at that big smile when he came home, what a great first day.
 Here is Lauren at orientation.
 She made this while she was there.
 Lauren's 1st day!
Showing me her cool backpack.
 With the scrapbook page that I had to make to put up in the room.  This was my homework for the first day of school.
 Ready to go.
 On to the bus, sniff, sniff (for me and not her, she didn't even look back).

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