

Saturday, September 15, 2012

9/15/12: Yankee Doodle Parade "Celebrating the Arts"

We had a wonderful time again at the Yankee Doodle Parade representing the Ditson School.  The theme of the Parade was "Celebrating the Arts".
It was a special year for the Ditson as our previous Principal who retired last year was the Grand Marshall and the new Superintendent marched with our float.
 My husband, kids and I all helped with the float.  Here are the kids painting a picture for the float.
 My kids on the float.  Evan being a Musician and Lauren as a Dancer representing the Arts.
 Here is our Retired Principal along with our new Principal, Assistant Principal and Superintendent of schools.
Here is our retired principal and new principal with their picture that the kids painted.
Evan rocking out with some friends.
The kids having fun on the float.
What a great day.

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