

Saturday, October 27, 2012

10/27/12: 7th Annual Monster Mash Halloween Party

Today was our annual Monster Mash Halloween Costume Party.  My Mom started this tradition when I was a kid and now I have continued it with my kids.
 We are missing some in the picture above (about 6 kids) but I needed to catch them at the beginning of the party before parts of their costumes started coming off.  Here are the kids in their costumes.
 The Angry Bird is scaring the princess.
 Now Evan's 2nd costume of the day.  He was also a Fire Fighter.
 Here is the boys table.
And the girls table.
 Here is the Graveyard cake I made.  This is super easy to make.  You use the Oreo cookie crumb cookie crusts and just crumble them up to make the dirt.
 Luckily it was nice weather so the kids got to get outside and enjoy the bounce house.
 Then they came in and decorated cupcakes.  Here is Lauren's creation.
 And Evan's creation.
 I dressed up like a Ghostbuster (my favorite movie of all time!).
 What a great time!
And check out the double rainbow!
What an awesome time!

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