

Thursday, November 1, 2012

11/1/12: The Halloween That Almost Wasn't

Unbelievably we got another storm this Halloween!  Last year it was a Nor'easter that knocked out power for days and this year it was Hurricane Sandy.  We lost power on Monday night during the storm due to a pole coming down that closed down our street.  Luckily we received a Treat after returning from Trick or Treating and the power returned last night.  It was a Halloween miracle!
Last year our town actually delayed trick or treating due to the damage.  Luckily this year trick or treating still went on.  The kids were extremely excited!
 Luckily the neighborhood near us that we usually trick or treat at had lights.  We got together with some friends to head out for a night of trick or treating.
 I have a couple pictures posted as it was hard to get them to all look.
 So cute!
 Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!
 I have such fond memories of trick or treating when I was a kid and was so happy the kids got to safely go out last night and enjoy it.  A huge credit goes out to the Billerica Police who communicated so well during the storm (via Twitter and Facebook) and also drove around during the night checking that everyone was safe.
 The smile says it all!
 Lauren and one of her best friends from school.
 We met some friends along the way.
 What an awesome time!  Now what to do with all the candy.  Luckily we can donate some to school for Treats for Troops and I am sure Papa would help us out with whatever we can't eat.  He used to go out trick or treating with me each year and some candy disappeared that was "unwrapped".
I hope all your ghosts, goblins, witches and super heroes had a great night!

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