

Saturday, November 17, 2012

11/17/12: Pinypon and Nenuco Mommy Party

Today we had our Pinypon Mommy Party and it was a hit with Lauren and her friends.  We were provided with Pinypon dolls for all the girls, 2 Pinypon Caravans, and 2 Nenuco Dolls.  Both Pinypon and Nenuco are put out by Famosa.
Lauren was beyond excited to have her friends over for a play date.  Here she is with all that we received to have the party as we prepared it last night.
No one at our party had heard of Pinypon.  In fact I had not heard of them until I saw them when I went to Time To Play's Holiday Showcase in New York and got to see them.  They are mini-dolls who love fashion, accessories and new hairstyles.  They have interchangeable parts so that you can mix and match dresses, accessories, hairstyles, and even faces!
There are so many variations.  Here are some.
They really are adorable.  You can switch their faces around and on the other side they have their eyes closed.  The girls started the party by doing a scavenger hunt to find small cards that had pictures of Pinypons on them with a number on the back.  The number was the number of the doll they would get.  This way we didn't have multiple girls wanting the same ones.
 Now they were excited to get started with their dolls.  Most didn't want to exchange any parts with each other but Lauren showed them quickly how you customize your doll.
 As these dolls are at a low price point we discussed how these would be perfect for school grab gifts.  Usually these grabs are $5 and under of $10 and under and I always struggle trying to come up with a decent present at this price.
 Then they started to play with the Caravan.  I really like the Caravan.  There are a lot of small components that go along with it, however these can be packed up right in the drawers inside it.
 It has a lot of cool features.  The top comes off and becomes a boat.  In the middle area a table pops up where you can add the plates, silverware, and glasses.
 The girls were having fun with it.  They were the perfect age, all being 4-7.
Here is some video of them playing with it.
Here you can see the bath tub.  This works if you put water in it.  You can pump it to spray the water out.
Plus we also go to play with a Nenuco Doll.  She is the Nenuco - New Born Makes Bubbles doll.  She is a beautiful doll and would you believe she pees in the potty?  Great for potty training.  You have her drink, and then when you put her pacifier in her mouth she pees.
 The girls thought she was adorable and loved making her pee.  They really enjoyed having her drink and sitting her on the potty.
Here she is.  Isn't she adorable?
What a fun party!  And who doesn't love parties that have cupcakes and a doll to take home!
They are sold at Toys 'R Us, Amazon and other Toy Retailers.
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Disclosure:  I received these products from Mom Select on behalf of MommyParties, Pinypon and Nenuco. No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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