

Sunday, November 25, 2012

11/25/12: FUN from LUSH

Who says getting clean can't be FUN?  LUSH certainly doesn't.  Their cool multi-purpose moldable soap is called FUN and is four-in-one combining soap, shampoo, bubble bath and malleable toy.  My kids first spent some time molding it and then took a bath with it.  Here is Lauren showing me her FUN creation.
FUN is made with a base of corn flour, talc and glycerin.  We received FUN - BLUE which is a combination of Chamomile and Lavender which is soothing for bedtime.  Plus it makes the water blue which the kids love.  Evan of course picked the Blue to play with as it is his favorite color.

We also got Yellow FUN which is a blend of Vanilla and Gardenia and smells like Marzipan.  Lauren had fun sculpting with it.

 And we got Red FUN which is a wonderful smell of orange and mandarin oil.  This one was my personal favorite.  The kids of course decided to roll them all together.
 It is a bit on the crumbly side so they needed to keep adding it back together to mix it.  Lauren also liked making some prints in it and using a cookie cutter on it which worked well.
 Here are their balls of soap.  The directions say you can put them back in the original plastic but I decided to put them in a Ziploc Bag.
 Here is Lauren showing me her blue hand from the soap.  The kids skin did feel soft and they smelled really nice when they came out of the bath.
 Here you can see the bubbles that were formed along with the soap as it is being used.  They did have a lot of FUN with it and both gave it a thumbs up.
 You can buy them at LUSH Store or   
Plus 2.5% of sales from every bar of FUN is contributed to the FUNd, a LUSH initiative which supports charities in Fukushima, Japan that create safe places for children to play outside.
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Disclosure:  I received these FUN soaps for review purposes.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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