

Monday, November 26, 2012

11/26/12: Nenuco Let's Play School Playset

My daughter started Kindergarten this year and absolutely loves school.  I knew that the Nenuco Let's Play School Playset would be a huge hit with her.
What I didn't know is how much her brother would enjoy playing with it too!  Evan decided he should be teacher as he is the older one and would teach his sister who was Julia in their playing school and the doll was Katie.  I really was impressed watching them play school together.  Evan was having fun teaching and Lauren was having fun at the student.  She was much quicker than her doll schoolmate at answering questions.
One side of the playset turns in to a desk for your child to use including a storage compartment.  The other side is a board, ringing bell, clock and even a flip doll that teaches about the skeleton. There is even a lesson book with pages that can be pulled out for the student to do.  I loved watching them play like they were really in school.  Lauren would raise her hand to ask questions during her test.
Evan gave her a Math test of addition.  It was good for both of them as she had to try some addition math facts and Evan had to correct her paper after. 
Lauren was pleased as she got 100.  She also thought it was fun to wear matching glasses to her doll.  Both pairs of glasses come with the set.  I will warn you that the child's glasses did keep coming apart.  I had to snap them back together multiple times.
Plus they are learning.  They loved circling areas on the world map.
You can also use the playset as your own desk.  Here is Lauren storing away her stuff in the desk 
Katie learned a lot too! 
Here it is fully put together.  Here you can see the Doll with her desk and board.
Here it is as packaged.  They are sold at Toys 'R Us, Amazon and other Toy Retailers. 
Go to the Nenuco Website for coupons.
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Disclosure:  I received this doll for review purposes. No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.


  1. We just saw this doll on the tv! She looks very cute! This one looks good to get my girl ready for school next year. This might have to make the Christmas list! :) Thanks for sharing.

  2. I tried to find this doll as my granddaughter just started Kindergarten this year too and thought this was perfect for a Christmas gift. I could not find it in the Toys R Us stores, I looked in 2 larger stores. I guess I will have to order it online...for Easter perhaps. Love seeing how much your children love it, I expect the same results with my granddaughter and her older brother. Thanks for sharing your experience. Donna
