

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

11/28/12: Master Lock Donating to the American Heart Association

I wanted to share something with you that is near and dear to my heart that Master Lock is doing this holiday season.  They are making donations to the American Heart Association. 
Everyone can head to and virtually lock up their affection for loved ones on various iconic bridges throughout the world in four easy steps.  I went and did one and it super simple.  You pick a lock image, pick a bridge image and then enter a message and $1 is donated to the American Heart Association.
 Master Lock is also donating an initial $10,000 to the American Heart Association and will donate an additional dollar for every love lock created and sent through the new site until December 31, 2012.  You can also buy a lock while you are there.
Why this is near and dear to my heart is that my Mom had a heart attack at a very young age and has had a Angioplasty and also Triple Bypass.  Thank goodness for both of these surgeries.  I have done a walk in the past for the American Heart Association to raise money.   

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Disclosure:  I received a Master Lock in exchange for this post however I would support this cause on my own.

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