

Saturday, December 1, 2012

11/30/12: The Cape Cod Central Railway Polar Express

We had the pleasure of experiencing the Magical Polar Express on the Cape Cod Central Railroad.  I was very impressed with the whole event and highly recommend it.  Here are the kids with the conductor ready to ride.
Here we are on the train ready to go.  Evan has his pocket watch to check the time to make sure it is time to go.  There is a little gift shop when you walk in to the Railroad where we bought the pocket watch.  Another exciting thing that happened while we were on the train is that Fox Connecticut was there with their news crew covering day trips and they took video of the kids.  The reporter said that Evan would definitely be in the video as the camera man zoomed in on him right after the reporter said her description of the trip showing him in his PJs.  
UPDATED:  The video is now posted and you can see Evan in it a few times, Lauren and even me.  Check it out here.
Here we are all ready to go. 
 The kids checking out our travels to the North Pole.
 I was very impressed by this Polar Express trip.  It really was so similar to the movie as the chefs danced up and down the aisles with the hot chocolate.  Plus you got beautiful mugs that say The Polar Express on it.  Other trips I have been on you are generally given a styrofoam cup.  Everyone is also given a cookie and carols are sung as you go on your travels to the North Pole.
Plus you have a table to sit at which is great to put your mugs on.
 The conductor punching our tickets with PE for Polar Express.  We brought our own Polar Express book to follow along as they read but chefs did walk around with the book for you to look at.
There is even a Hobo on board.  The conductor and chefs warn you to hide your tickets so he doesn't take it.  He is really sweet and asks for a jacket to keep him warm during the winter. 
 We have now arrived at the North Pole.  The chefs run around excitedly to let you know that the train has arrived at the North Pole.
Santa and the Elves waving to us to welcome us. 
 The elves got the kids dancing up and down the aisle.
 Here are the Elves with the kids.  All the volunteers did an awesome job playing up their parts.
 The big man himself, SANTA!
 Santa listening to what the kids want.
 Of course each child receives a bell.  The most magical part, hearing the bell ring if you truly BELIEVE!
Lauren showing off her bell. 
Here is some video I compiled of our ride on the Polar Express:

 It is so exciting to see the kids BELIEVE in the magic of the Polar Express and the magic of Christmas.  What a fun time for all.
So, are you coming? All Aboard!
To ride the Cape Cod Central Railway, visit or call 888-797-7245 to climb aboard.
Twitter: @CapeCodCentral
Disclosure:  I received four tickets to the Polar Express.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.


  1. Wow! Glad everyone had a great time! It looks like your train was different from ours. Thanks for sharing your experience!

  2. It looks like you had a great trip! My family and I got a Cape Cod rental for this July. We are thrilled to check the area out. It is a place we have always wanted to visit!
