

Saturday, January 26, 2013

1/26/13: Yo Gabba Gabba! Live!: Get The Sillies Out! VIP Party in Boston

I took Lauren to see Yo Gabba Gabba! Live!: Get The Sillies Out! at the Orpheum Theatre tonight and we extremely lucky to attend the VIP Party.  Check out one of the people we met.  Lauren giggled as DJ Lance Rock spun her around.  I think that was the highlight of her night.  
But let me go back to the show as the VIP Party came after.  It was extremely high energy and got kids out of their seats dancing and having a great time.  You could hear the screams of excitement from little ones as their favorite Gabba friend came out.
 From the second DJ Lance came out and the confetti sprayed you knew it was going to be a fun time for kids and adults.
 What is better than dancing with your favorite Yo Gabba Gabba buddies?
 There was lots of dancing and singing.
 How cute are all of these characters?  If you aren't in MA, here is a link to all the Tour Dates: 
I personally liked the There's a Party in my Tummy song.  I loved the dancing carrots, green beans, juice boxes and other foods.  Fun seeing healthy foods dancing around.  Biz Markie was even there singing You Got What I Need.
 The bug song was a big hit too with the kids.
 The show was a ton of fun.  My only complaint was that it started late.  We were at a 5 o'clock show and it started about 20 past.  On their website it said that they try to never start more than 5 minutes late.  For little ones you could tell by the end they were starting to get very tired.
The other complaint I had was that the Orpheum Theatre in Boston was freezing!  I actually asked one of the ushers and she claimed it was because they left the front doors open.  I was very cold in the theatre and at intermission went to the ladies room and warmed up by the heat of the hand dryer. 
 Overall the kids had a great time and the show was extremely well done.
We were then fortunate enough to attend the VIP Party.  When you got in to the theatre you checked in and they gave you an envelope with directions to where the party would be along with wrist bands to wear to enter the party.
The highlight of the VIP Party is to meet all of the characters up close and get a photo op with them.  This is the only reason to buy this VIP Package as it is pricey (over $100 a ticket).  You can see all of them individually but it is not a dance party with them, it is strictly a picture with them.  If your child is a fan though this is worth it as it will be the only time they can meet their favorite Yo Gabba Gabba friends.  When you get to the VIP Party you line up and then they let you in.  You can only take one picture (one time through the line) with the characters and they also state that they will not take pictures with your camera, so be aware of this.  We got to see Brobee.  He is one of my favorites.  He is just so cute. 
Of course I had to love Flex and so did Lauren.  Earlier in the day I had been judging the FIRST FTC Qualifier and judging robots and how they performed.  Needless to say it was a full day of robots. 
Lauren really liked him. This VIP experience is run by CID Entertainment.
 Here is Lauren with Toodee.
 Lauren likes this guy too, Muno.  She said he felt rubbery.  
 Here is Foofa.  Lauren of course likes her because she is pink.
 The party was setup at a nearby venue which was a short walk from the theatre.  They were setup with water, yogurts, yogurt drinks and some other snacks.
 They also had an area setup with merchandise from the show that you could buy.
 There was one small table with some coloring sheets and stickers.  Lauren of course wanted to color.
 Once the line is complete of people meeting with the characters they swiftly leave, but when you are led upstairs you are led in to the line to meet everyone so you should not miss it.  DJ Lance Rock came in later after most of the line had completed with the other characters.
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Disclosure: I received a set of VIP Tickets for the show to promote it. All opinions are my own and no other compensation was received.

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